Punchcard · Shopping local on autopilot

Punchcard makes it easy to subscribe and save to small businesses. At college, I found it hard to compete with the price and efficiency of mega-mart latte when the (objectively tastier) alternative at my local coffee shop costs $6.50 and a half-class-period's worth of time in line. So, in the spirit of supporting local, I spent a semester building Punchcard from the ground up with a few friends from school. We were awarded a few small grants to get us going, and I jumped right into determining market fit, creating wireframes, and conducting user interviews. While it is no longer ongoing, it taught me so much about design, product, and community.

My Roles

  • Research & Strategy

  • Visual Identity

  • Product Design

  • User Testing

An overview of Punchcard – shopping local on autopilot.

An overview of Punchcard – shopping local on autopilot.

Punchcard's visual identity is kept intentionally simple to avoid overshadowing the local businesses it

Punchcard's visual identity is kept intentionally simple to avoid overshadowing the local businesses it supports.